How is Your Brain Like Google?

It’s my daughter’s birthday in a couple of weeks and last night I used a Google search to locate a skirt she has been lusting over at Witchery and pressed “Buy Now”.

This morning, as I was researching some team building activities for a Team Resilience session, what should “pop up” in the top corner of my Google search? That’s right – an advertisement for Witchery.

Our brains are more or less just like Google analytics. What we choose to focus on and think about during the day – in other words what we search for during the day will result in the future “pop ups” we get.

This is especially the case in the first 8 minutes when we wake up.

During our first 8 minutes – our brain is in “Theta state” – this is the time when our brain is the most “plastic” it can be.

Brain Waves snip.PNG

So, what are you doing with this time?

For many of us, our first 8 minutes when we wake up (before our feet have even touched the floor) involves reaching over and grabbing our phones and scrolling through our news feed. Here we find information on the latest COVID outbreak, a mass shooting overnight, a police siege and various other horrific and very negative world events.

So, if this is the information that you are putting into your brain in the first 8 minutes when your brain is the most plastic…. what “pop ups” will you be creating for yourself for the rest of the day?

Instead – could you roll over and hug your partner. Could you hug your dog? Could you turn on some great music. Or best of all – could you reach over to your little notebook next to your bed and consider:

·       3 things you are grateful for

·       What you want to get achieved for the day.


So, consider – what are your analytics doing in the first 8 minutes – are the “pop ups” you are creating positive or are they negative?


Want to learn some skills to enhance and promote your positivity? Send me an email at to enquire about building your strategies through coaching or training.

Michelle Bakjac is an experienced Psychologist, Organisational Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Facilitator. As Director of Bakjac Consulting, she is a credentialed Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a member of Mental Toughness Partners and an MTQ48 accredited Mental Toughness practitioner.  Michelle assists individuals and organisations to develop their Mental Toughness to improve performance, leadership, behaviour and wellbeing.  You can find her at or