Do You Have a Harmonious Team?

Is Your Team Singing In Harmony?

Are you struggling to get your team singing from the same song sheet?  Are you conducting a finely tuned orchestra or is it more like herding cats? It’s no secret that a team that works together effectively delivers better results AND is easier to manage.  But if your team is not functioning effectively, how do you get it back on track?

Come and Join us to develop strategies to enhance your team’s performance.

When: Tuesday 4 May 2021 from 9am – 1pm

Where: Adelaide Pavilion (cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide)

Booking via Eventbrite

Cost $250.00 +GST


9am – 10:30am  - Getting Your Team Culture On Track

This session will provide you with tools to lead a dysfunctional group of employees into a high performing team.  You will learn how to:

·        Align your team to purposefully achieve goals

·        Define and maintain team trademark behaviours

·        Develop team cohesion

·        Manage resistant team members

Mel Blondell has extensive experience in strategic HR, and executive and leadership roles.  Her competencies cover all areas of human resources, from recruitment to workforce planning, strategic HR and industrial relations.

Her industry experience includes construction, professional services, not for profit, telecommunications, agriculture, mining, and aviation.  Mel holds a Bachelor of Management (Human Resource Management) and a Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons).  She is member of the Australian Human Resources Institute, a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and currently sits on several Boards.

10:30am – 10:45am – Morning Tea

10:45am – 12:15pm Surviving to Thriving – Enhancing Your Team’s Resilience and Mental Toughness

This session will provide you with tools to maximise your team’s capacity to manage change and challenges and embed the strategies required to bounce forward with agility.  You will learn how to:

·        Recognise mindsets to change and challenges

·        Enhance workplace wellbeing

·        Understand the difference between individual resilience and team resilience.

·        Recognise and manage individual and team resilience utilising the R@W Model and develop specific strategies to manage individuals and teams to enhance their workplace resilience.


Michelle’s goal is to take individuals and workplace teams from surviving to thriving.

Michelle is a registered Psychologist, Organisational Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Facilitator. As Director of Bakjac Consulting, she is a credentialed Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a member of Mental Toughness Partners and an MTQ accredited Mental Toughness Practitioner. Michelle assists individuals and organisations to develop their Mental Toughness to improve performance, leadership, behaviour and wellbeing.

Michelle uses a Positive Psychology framework to structure training to address the unique culture of any workplace to enhance workplace wellbeing, performance, resilience, and adaption.

12:15 – 1pm – Lunch and Networking