Do You Have A Road Map For Your Career?

I have worked with a number of individuals recently who have openly admitted that they have no idea what the future holds for them with respect to their working life. If we have no goals and no plan, we can just end up feeling like we have never put our hat in the ring.

So… How Can You Develop A Road Map For Your Career

·         How can you plan for and continuously develop your leadership path?

·         Reflect on your challenges faced, your career highlights and lessons learnt

·         Now is your opportunity to set strategies for effective career advancement, goals and targets.

·         How can you accelerate your career progression?

·         How can you plan your career forward within your organisation – Starting today?


“Life Begins At The End Of Our Comfort Zone”

Consider taking some dedicated reflective action…………………… 

Develop Your Career Vision Statement

Having a clear vision at the end state we are trying to achieve before we take action to reach our goals is the key factor in accomplishing any goal we set. Do you have a clear mental image of who you will be and where you will be in the future? Your vision is your “picture” and what you aspire to – and what inspires you – in your working life.


Consider these steps:

1)     Carve out a chunk of time – career visioning cannot and should not be rushed. It takes time to recognise what your goals are and develop them in full.

2)     Review your goals and core work values. Are you clear about what your work values actually are? How do these fit with the goals you are working toward?

3)     Recognise your Strengths – Are you aware of your strengths and are you currently using your top three strengths every day in your career? If not, why not? How could you enhance your career goals by considering your strengths?

4)     Suspend logic and pragmatic thinking – Remember that with a career vision, anything should be possible to accomplish, so find a way to turn off any negative thinking or catastrophising that will block you thinking big. Don’t assume the future is limited to what is happening today.

5)     Try a visioning exercise to help your creative juices flow – For example – what would you want to do if all your bills were paid for you and you had unlimited cash reserves? What would your career be like if you had the power to make it any way you wanted? If no obstacles stood in your way, what could you attain in your career? What do you want your obituary to say about your career accomplishments? Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years time?

6)     Put it all together – Using one sentence or a concise paragraph, write your career vision. Consider writing a short vision statement along with a short description of how you see yourself accomplishing it – reaching your vision. Write everything in the present tense, as if you had already accomplished it. This creates the right frame of mind – confidence about your future rather than keep your vision in the distant future.

7)     Keep your vision visible – Once you have created your vision statement, plaster it in various places and say it aloud to yourself often. Imagine yourself achieving your vision and constantly reinforce the vision.

8)     Review your career vision regularly – your vision can and most probably will change as you move closer to it.

My Career Vision Statement


 My Core Work Values


My Strengths


Current Career - Ask Yourself?

What is my work for? Is it about the money? How does my work relate to what I feel is important? Is my work worthwhile? How does my current role work provide opportunities for growth and fulfilment?



What is standing in your way? What are the barriers?


Put Yourself Under Surveillance

Each evening, go back over your day and review – pinpoint where you were most engaged and energised – rate it from 1-10.

When you know where you are energised and where you are not, what goals could you set to change in the direction you wish to.



What are the signs you need to shift careers

1)     You are emotionally drained and physically worn out

2)     Your tasks and responsibilities are well delivered but do not reflect your personality or who you are as a person

3)     The salary is not enough reason to stay.

4)     You realise you need fresh air.

5)     What else is a sign to you?


My Short and Long Term Goals

·        Set sharp and clearly defined goals

·        Set goals you can measure

·        Set goals that motivate you to progress toward your vision

·        Express your goals positively

·        Be precise with dates, times and cost

·        Set priorities

·        Consider your professional development – what further skills and training might you require?

·        Write your goals down clearly

·        Break your goals down into small chunk size pieces where appropriate

·        Set realistic goals that you can achieve and that are within your control.




Michelle Bakjac

Psychologist, Coach (ACC), Trainer/Facilitator.

Bakjac Consulting