Are You Asking Yourself The Right Questions?

We are still in the early stages in 2021 and given all the turmoil of last year, it would be good to feel we are back in charge of what’s happening and sit back in the driver’s seat.

So, to maximise the opportunity that 2021 will be the best year it can possibly be for you, are you asking yourself the right questions and then really putting the effort into answering those questions to set yourself up for success.

Take a look at these 30 questions you should be asking yourself.

See if you can go through and answer them systematically to get a picture of where you have come from and where you want to be.

1.      What was the best part of 2020 for you?

2.      What was the worst part?

3.      What areas of your life are working well?

4.      What areas of your life are suffering?

5.      What did you learn this past year?

6.      How did this shift your perspective about life in general?

7.      What is your definition of success?

8.      Have you achieved this thus far?

9.      If not, what needs to change in your life in order for you to create your own version of success?

10.  Are you happy at work?

11.  Do you feel challenged by the thinking and problem solving that you're most often doing at work?

12.  Do you feel that you're making an impact on others at work that is meaningful to you?

13.  Do you feel confident about yourself and your contribution at work?

14.  Do you believe in your ability to grow and learn at all times?

15.  Do you face failures with curiosity?

16.  Do you think you're resilient?

17.  What have been your biggest failures in 2020 and what have you learned from them?

18.  Based on your answers from numbers 10-17, what behaviours do you think you need to build in order to improve your performance at work for next year?

19.  Which relationships deepened this past year?

20.  Which relationships shifted or ended?

21.  What was the reason for the deepening or the erosion of some of your closest relationships?

22.  What changes in yourself can you make to be a better friend to those that matter most?

23.  How would you describe your marriage or long-term relationship?

24.  How could you improve in how you engage with your partner?

25.  If you're single and dating, how have you been showing up to potential partners?

26.  If you're single and not dating, how would you describe your relationship with yourself?

27.  What would you want to change when it comes to how you engage with your partner and yourself?

28.  What is the most important area of focus for 2021?

29.  What is a theme or word that you could choose that would keep you focused and excited about the year ahead?

30.  Create a vision statement about what the year ahead could look like for you in order to feel like you're moving forward in life in a way that is meaningful for you.


Want some help setting some personal or professional goals for 2021. Contact Michelle on 0412047590 or via michelle@bakjacconsulting, or check here to review Bakjac Consulting’s website for more information.

Michelle Bakjac is an experienced Psychologist, Organisational Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Facilitator. As Director of Bakjac Consulting, she is a credentialed Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a member of Mental Toughness Partners and an MTQ48 accredited Mental Toughness practitioner. Michelle assists individuals and organisations to develop their Mental Toughness to improve performance, leadership, behaviour and wellbeing.